4TH ENGLISH HOMEWORK (OCT 16th. – Oct 20th.)
-Access, answer and SUBMIT, the assignment activities in the Richmond Platform. They must be ready for Sunday October 22nd. You have one week to finish them. THE BEST WAY TO LEARN IS TO CORRECT THE MISTAKES IN EACH OF THE ACTIVITIES AND GET 100% SCORE. DO YOUR BEST!!
(Ingresa a la plataforma Richmond para realizar las actividades de tarea indicadas, tienes una semana para elaborarlas. Deberán estar listas el domingo 22 de Octubre. Es NECESARIO tener todas las tareas correctas, con un 100%, de lo contrario será tarea incompleta).
Monday October 16th., 2023
-From your vocabulary and definitions unit 3 (pasted on your English homework last Thursday) copy the definitions and examples from 1 to 9.
-Access, answer and SUBMIT, the assignment activities in the Richmond Platform. They must be ready for Sunday October 22nd. You have one week to finish them.
Tuesday October 17th., 2023
–From your vocabulary and definitions unit 3 (pasted on your English homework last Thursday) copy the definitions and examples from 10 to 19.
–CONTINUE ANSWERINGthe Assignment activities in the Richmond Platform. They must be ready for Sunday October 22nd.
Wednesday October 18th., 2023
–Write the following numbers as words (144) (979) (1362) (558) (9788) (110)
-Write a sentence with the following words: headache, sore throat, stomachache, fever, shoulders.
-RETURN the English Exam Midterm 1 TRIM I with the signature of your mom or dad beside the Exam’s grade and at the end of the exam, where there are the four grades.
Thursday October 19th., 2023
-Copy page 38 from your Grammar Handbook
Friday October 20th., 2023
-Finish the review in case you didn’t finish at class.
-CONTINUE ANSWERING the Assignment activities in the Richmond Platform. They must be ready for Sunday October 22nd.